Sunday, February 7, 2010

Know Your Type(face)

The website will determine your type with four simple questions. By type I mean of course typeface, or font.

My type is universal (which, sadly, is not available on blogger). Universal was created by Bauhaus typographer Herbert Bayer. Although the quiz did not ask me anything about my artistic preferences, I love Bauhaus. Most German art is oppressive (the romantic realism of Nazi art and architecture), or depressing (expressionism, anyone), but Bauhaus is clean, it's cool, it's intellectual, and, even after 90 years, it remains modern. I love Bauhaus. It is everything I want to be. There could not be a better type for me.

The Bauhaus was an art school founded in Weimar, Germany, that operated from 1919 to 1933 when the Nazis shut it down. Bauhaus is about minimalism. It's about stripping away ornamentation. Its focus is on form, and form should follow function. It's about refusing to follow tradition simply for tradition's sake.

Universal is a sans serif font. It has no unnecessary ornaments. And it laughs at tradition. It is a typeface with no capital letters, created by a man whose language capitalizes all nouns. It was created in 1925, and yet with no caps it is the perfect font for the texting generation.

Universal: minimalist, untraditional, and ahead of its time. Perfect.

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